We believe that Jesus Christ is the most significant person in all history. Why?
Since Jesus came into the world over 2000 years ago, he has made the most profound impact in all of history. He is the one who claimed to forgive sins on His own volition.
There have been many different theories over the last 2 millennia for who Jesus is: from being just a great teacher and religious leader to being a prophet of God. There are also some who claim he didn’t even exist.
Here at Broadford Presbyterian Church we believe that he was the eternal Son of God who became a man through the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was truly both man and God and He came into this world to solve our greatest problem of sin. Sin is the case of a broken relationship with our creator. It is Jesus who came to save a people who have surrendered themselves to God. We only need to take Him at his word.
Jesus Christ lived a perfect life of obedience to God. He died on a cross to pay the penalty for sin, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will come back to earth one day to judge the entire world. On that great day he will take to himself those who have believed in him as the only way to be made right with God.